Ananda Ashrama La Crescenta CA, Vedanta Center
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ALERT: Services have resumed at Ananda Ashrama


Ananda Ashrama, La Crescenta CA
La Crescenta, CA



“My idea is not to bring here a Hindu creed or a Christian creed or a Buddhist creed, but to take the best out of all and embody the universal aspect of all. That is my dream.”
                                                  ~ Swami Paramananda


ANANDA ASHRAMA, founded in 1923 by Swami Paramananda, is a spiritual retreat dedicated to all world religions, where followers of diverse faiths may come together to worship the One Spirit who is called by many names. Its philosophy is based on the universal teachings of Vedanta as expounded by India's 19th century prophet, Sri Ramakrishna.


Situated in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains, at an altitude of more than 2,000 feet, the ashrama covers 120 acres of hillsides, canyons, and meadows. Trees, gardens, and rock lined pathways provide a peaceful retreat for spiritual study and prayer..

Om Symbol - Vedanta Center


"I shall begin this day with the resolution that I may in every way make myself an open channel for God’s love to manifest through me."
~ Swami Paramananda


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