December 6th
Salient Thought
for the Day
Great souls are sensitive to the touch of the Divine.
to Memorize
It is not the wind alone that speaketh to our ears;
It is the voice of the Infinite that speaketh to our soul with many tongues.
When we fix our thought on the great Immensity, at once we burst out with inspiration. We touch this wholeness of God and immediately we are filled. Our hands become vibrant, our heart becomes vibrant, our mind becomes vibrant. No room is left for the little self. Spiritual intuition is a great aid in the life of spirit. It develops only in that heart in which there is no selfishness. It throws light on every subject and before it even the most insurmountable barriers dwindle away.
Giver of all life, make me more living and fervent in my spiritual striving.
You alone understand my deeper yearnings
And can fulfill the longings of my heart.
You alone know what is needful for my inner growth.
Grant me greater inwardness and loftier aspiration.
I yield myself up wholly to Your loving care,
And ask You for Your blessing.