Swami Vivekananda |
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Its Methods and Purpose
(21 pages, Paper $.75)
From inside: You must remember the one theme
that runs through all the Vedas--"Just as by the knowledge
of one lump of clay we know all the clay that is in the universe,
so what is that, knowing which we know everything else?"--This,
expressed more or less clearly, is the theme of all human
knowledge. It is the finding of a Unity towards which we are
all going. |
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The Nature
of the Soul and Its Goal
(21 pages, Paper $.75)
From inside: This bright body, fine body,
however fine it might be, was a body after all; and all bodies
must be made up of materials, either gross or fine. Whatever
had form or shape must be limited, and could not be eternal.
Change is inherent in every form. How coudl that which is
changeful be eternal? So behind this bright body, as it were,
they found something which was the soul. It was called the
Atman, the Self. |
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the Messenger
(23 pages, Paper $.75)
From inside: Now what you see in the life
of Christ is the life of all the past. The life of every person
is, in a manner, the life of the past. It comes to him through
heredity, through surroundings, through education, through
his own reincarnation,--the past of the race. In a way, the
past of the earth, the past of the whole world in there, upon
every soul. What are we, in the present, but a result, an
effect, in the hands of the infinite past? |
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Devamata |
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and Samadhi
Sister Devamata
(13 pages, Paper $.75)
From inside: Sleep is not merely a physiological
fact. It is something more than a simple state of inactivity,
a time of passive forgetting. It has a deep spiritual significance
and value....It is Nature's chief restorative, the refuge
she offers to every creature.
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The Practice
of Devotion
Sister Devamata
(25 pages, Paper $.75)
Practical instruction in Bhakti Yoga.
From inside: Some people think, most people
work, very few philosophize, but all people love; and as life
has moved further and further away from the centre towards
the circumference, more and more has it been shaped by this
play of desire and emotion. There are very few to-day who
can focus their energies and turn them inward. |
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