Ananda Ashrama La Crescenta CA, Vedanta Center
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Rev. Mother Sudha’s History/Lineage Talks
July Talks | June Talks | History/Lineage Talks





Sunday - June 23rd 2024

Paramananda's Day of Liberation





Sunday - June 16th 2024

Vedanta Centre 95th Anniversary






Sunday - February 18th 2024

Ramakrishna's Birthday



Sunday - February 4th 2024

Paramananda's Birthday



Sunday - January 21st 2024

115th Anniversary




Sunday - October 15th 2023

Srimata Gayatri Devi's Birthday




Sunday - September 10th 2023

Celebrating Srimata Gayatri Devi's Day of Liberation




Sunday - August 13th 2023

Sri Ramakrishna's Day of Liberation




Sunday - July 23rd 2023





Sunday - June 18th 2023

Swami Paramanda's Day of Liberation

Happy Father's Day!




Sunday - June 11th 2023

Vedanta Centre 94th Anniversary




Dedication of the

Ananda Ashrama 100th Anniversary Bell





100th Anniversary!
April 22nd, 2023





February 5th, 2023

Paramananda's Birthday





January 22, 2023

114th Anniversary of Swami Paramananda's Work





January 15, 2023

Swami Vivekananda's Birthday!





Sunday, September 11th, 2022
Srimata Gayatri Devi's Day of Liberation







Sunday, August 14, 2022

Sri Ramakrishna's Day of Liberation







Sunday, July 24, 2022

Sarada Devi Day of Liberation





Swami Paramanada's Day of Liberation

Sunday, June 19th, 2022





Vedanta Centre 93rd Anniversary

Sunday, June 12th, 2022





Vivekananda's Birthday

January 16th, 2022




Mataji Gayatri Devi's Birthday
October 10th, 2021


Today's Talk - Full Length - Audio Only - Click Below



Mataji's Day of Liberation

September 12th, 2021




August 15th, 2021
Ramakrishna's Day of Liberation


Today's Talk - Full Length - Audio Only - Click Below



July 18th, 2021
Sarada Devi's Day of Liberation





June 20th, 2021
Observing Paramananda's Day of Liberation
Short Video



Today's Talk - Full Length - Audio Only - Click Below



Ananda Ashrama's 98th Anniversary
April 25th, 2021




Vivekananda and Paramananda Birthdays

February 7th, 2021



Mataji Gayatri Devi's Birthday

Sunday, October, 11th



Mataji Gayatri Devi's Day of Liberation

Sunday, September 6th



Ramakrishna's Day of Liberation
Sunday, August 16th


Holy Mother's Day of Liberation

Sunday, July 19th




Swami Vivekananda's Day of Liberation

Sunday, July 5th




Swami Paramananda's Day of Liberation

Sunday, June 21st




Vedanta Centre Anniversary

Sunday, June 14th







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